audio branding
Audio branding is the use of sound to define, reinforce and strengthen a company’s identity. Music, voice artistry, copy and sonic logos all play their part in getting a business name heard, and companies can deploy one, all, or a combination of these elements in various auditory channels.
We believe that all logos have an audio identity.
Let us help you find yours.
Case example.
how we approach
Cotes is a company that provides a wide range of well-engineered dehumidifier aimed for the Windmill industry.
Since sound will travel faster in moist air than the dry air we decided to base the Cotes audio brand on how sound waves and sound particles interact and move from a humid to a dry environment.
Therefore, we created a compositional dogma where the audio brand includes a shift from a fast sound to a slow (and redemptive) sound.
The underlying soundscape of this audio brand consists of an audio recording from a Cotes dehumidifier based in a company cellar in Aarhus.
It is important to us to preserve the company’s core DNA in our work with creating the sonic identity.

trailer music
We compose and produce trailer music for cinema, TV and SoMe. We help establish the audio aesthetic for the trailer. We work with agents, managers and designers to explore best possible implementation processes for the trailer music.
podcast music & sound-design
We compose and produce theme songs, soundscapes, sound design and transitions. We help establish the audio aesthetic for the podcast. We work with programmers and designers to explore new audio features, system design and best possible implementation processes for the podcast.
artist music production
Both of us are active members in bands. We compose, produce and do collaborations with other artists and producers. We help establish the sound aesthetic for the artist and song. We work with managers, labels, publishing agents and bookers to explore best possible implementation processes for the artist and music.
music for commercials
We compose and produce commercial jingles for cinema, T V and SoMe. We help establish the audio aesthetic for the jingle. We work with commercial agencies, agents, managers and designers to explore best possible implementation processes for the jingle.
film productions
We also do film, editing and photography. For more specific info and what type of productions we offer head over to this site.
For more than two decades we’ve been performing artists in various groups. We’ve experienced the live intensity from small club shows to huge festivals all across UK and EU. Check out our current music acts over at ARTISTS.
moodboards - how it all begins
Our creative process begins with visual moodboards. In this example we’ve tried to imagine how a world of post-apocalypto, loneliness and claustrophobia could sound like.
sound-design in games
Whenever we have time we love to dive in and work on our audio-gaming-passion -projects by creating and composing sound design assets and implement sound effects in video games. This is a great way for us to learn more about the complexity of sound and sonic narratives. We work with upcoming and DIY programmers and designers from our network to explore new audio features, system design and implementation processes for the game. We use Wwise and Unity and interface with producers, leads and team members to coordinate audio needs and asset lists. We field record new sounds if needed. We help establish the audio aesthetic for the game and we play the game regularly and continually identify opportunities to improve audio quality. All of this simply because we can’t resist.
How we sound-design
We explore how music and sound design can evoke certain emotions and let our imagination unfold into abstract storytelling. Our passion projects are a great way for us to explore, work with and implement sound and music in various forms.
SHort instrumentals
We compose and produce short instrumentals. We named this one “New Lands” – a one minute sonic journey into the cosmos, into new lands. We also did the photography & artwork.
If you want to know more, feel free to reach out to us.